There was a very interesting interview with
Hamish Dodds in Mondays
edition of the Scotsman. He is the
Chief Executive of The Hard Rock
Brand for apprx the last three years. I don't know how much you know
about recent developments at the Hard Rock. The Seminole Tribe of Native
Americans bought the Company in 2007 from Rank and from that moment
have concentrated on Hotels, Casinos whilst revamping the Restaurants
and the overall brand.

Shall we see Hotel developments within the UK? "Definitley" was the
reply. That comes as no surprise to me as Businesses and especially the
Hospitality industry has undergone huge challenges with the economy
where only the inventive will survive. It has always mystified me as to
why the Hotel industry in the UK in the majority of cases focuses its
attention on discounting instead of nurturing new and indeed creating
niche markets. They then become entrapped on a downward spiral as
business does not improve and this in turn rebounds with how they direct
and treat their Staff. In so many cases the staff turnover multiplies and
standards diminish as this sad situation manifests itself within the
industry. More bureaucracy ensues as loyalty and planning rapidly
disintegrate as the experienced staff depart and the inexperienced staff
are promoted and here we go again as a further fall in standards
becomes the norm. Also the Hotel industry has been remiss in ignoring the live music genre unlike their counterparts abroad! This is because of ignorance I'm afraid rather than embracing this untapped market.

Two points immediately come to mind as many many Hotels should look at
what Mr.Dodds and his team have indeed achieved. Investment in both the
brand and the staff have had huge increases in results and an
improvement in the overall performance. Invest in the characters that
you have within your staff. Remember that they will make it a memorable
visit for all your visitors to your establishment, don't let some bland
company executive make life hell for those who deal with the general
public and create hundreds of forms that have to be filled in on a daily
basis (i see this on every visit to Sainsburys Supermarkets where the
staff fill in forms within the store infront of the public that leaves
only a hand full of operators for the tills!). The Hard Rock make sure
that their brand is perceived as special and ensures that each visitor
feels that. They have made clever use of their revamped loyalty
programme where you 'buy' to build points that you then can spend on
future visits. How many small enterprises do you see where if they do
incorporate a loyalty card they offer a discounting scheme where they
only cheapen the product and all it stands for.

Music is a very special and a wonderful niche market. The Hard Rock have
concentrated on this medium and have/are increasing the volume and
profile of their 'Live Music ' programme. They make sure that they are
perceived as special and I cannot wait to see how they attack the UK
Hotel market where live music will be incorporated within each unit. It
really is a surprise and a disappointment that the Industry as a whole
has not woken up to above points and I for one salute Mr.Dodds and his
team with how they have tackled and progressed through these economic
challenges and succeeded in ensuring that their brand has indeed been
perceived as 'Special'.
Don't you think that all UK Hotels should be studying just how and why
the Hard Rock have achieved this? Are your Staff happy? Do you have an
ever increasing staff turnover? Do you over rely on discounting withing
your unit? Is your complaints file bursting at the seams? No niche
marketing within your unit?
I can imagine that I will have touched a nerve with quite a few points
listed above. This will give you 'food for thought' over the Festive
Period and equally give you an opportunity to start the New Year with a
different approach and resolve.
What am I going to do? If I was a few years younger then I would be
phoning Hamish Dodds and his Team to become a part of it. You never
know, they may phone me yet! I am sure that my Hotel experience and music knowledge would be of benefit.....and my memorabilia!!!! In the meantime I will pop down to the
Hard Rock Cafe in Edinburgh and sit at the Bar watching the World go by
and drinking my 'Southern Rock' and wait for my phone to ring!
Compliments of the Season to one and all.
David Mundell
Mundell Music
David Mundell With The Legendary Andy Fraser from Free. |