New Horizons here at Mundell Music! The 'New' Venue at Kinross......'Backstage at the Green Hotel' will be operational from the 15th October. For a full listing of all Artists so far booked click here!
Recent gigs have been going very well attendance wise. Most gigs have been selling out. Terry Reid's two night stint was a joy to behold....suppose you had to be there. They don't call him Superlungs for nothing!
Whilst Terry was here at the Inn at Lathones we had a couple of short day trips around the area. St.Andrews and Anstruther were the two places we went to. I took him to the Ship Tavern which is a favourite of mine!
I was playing Tom Petty's Mudcrutch CD in the car and when Tom Petty sang 'I'm a loser, I'm at the top of my game'...Terry thought that was a great line and he laughed! Check his CD's out he is a great legendary Artist.
Fifestock moves to Perthshire...now how did that happen! Watch this space!!!
Best Regards
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